Pedersen, Carl Henning (1913-2007)

Carl Henning Pedersen (1913-2007)

Carl Henning Pedersen is not without reason have been characterized as fairy-tale painter. His picture world populated with creatures that seem to be from another world-magical and enchanting. The floating shapes and the blue color gamut is his trademark, and the characteristic expressive, imaginative and poetic imagery is known and loved by a large audience.

P expressive and spontaneous painting is capped off by the modern abstract painting-but by no means imagination loose. The picture the world as he has grown from its inception, is characterized by a number of shapes to accommodate consisting in the still new constellations: birds, Suns, horses and ships.


In P Optics is man basically a creative being. All cultures creates an expression for the life they are living, and it's in this term, our humanity come most clearly forward. In a text from the exhibition catalogue to the artists ' autumn exhibition, 1948 wrote P under the heading "To be spontaneous" following call to his colleagues:

"Be spontaneous, so everything that is in you, will appear in the image. Do you understand that acting out from fantasy-generating ability-you also understand that art cannot be created through conscious structures. You will enjoy living forward, which is in you, do you create from your innermost motives ".


The spontaneous painting turns into at the moment, the brush is put on the canvas.

The image must follow its own inner logic, its unfolding. By a superficial consideration it seems independent of the outer world, because the artist does not seek to reproduce the sete, but on the other hand, it experienced. But Pedersen's own words from the exhibition catalogue to the artists ' autumn exhibition, 1948: "All genuine art comes from the human mind", "Mind transforms the experiences, we pick up in the world of nature, in our own world. Life flows incessantly and accumulate his experiences. "

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